Our Governors

We are proud to be the Governing Body at Stathern Primary School. As strategic leaders we take very seriously our three core functions:
  1. To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils; and the effective and efficient performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

In addition to this, we hold the following legislative and good practice duties at the core of our work:

  • To uphold a rigorous culture of Safeguarding and compliance
  • To ensure that we fulfil the requirements of the Equality Act 2010
  • To ensure that stakeholder voice is heard and taken account of
  • To commit to Governing Board self-review, development and improvement.

The documents that you will see on this page, relate to our core functions and statutory duties and give you a small insight into our work as we passionately support and rigorously challenge in our role as critical friends.

We ensure rigour by being organised into three committees and we have a variety of delegated responsibilities. Our reporting all gets fed into our meeting schedule and structure. We review the school self-evaluation and school development plan. We manage health and safety and risk. We visit the school regularly to monitor curriculum intent, implementation and impact. We monitor provision and outcomes for groups of pupils including those with additional and special needs and vulnerabilities.

A recent development that we are very proud of is our work with the School Council. We write to them on a regular basis and report to them after each governor meeting. Last year, we empowered them to complete our annual pupil survey. We then work tirelessly to ensure that we can support the Headteacher to implement improvements that our children see as important.

All of our work is underpinned and validated by a commitment to external audit and review. We emulate the values of the school in our work and we welcome you to ask questions if you wish to find out more about our work. 

Are your inspired to join us? You can email us at chair@stathern.leics.sch.uk

Best wishes

Clare Allen

Chair of Governors



The governors write article for the School newsletter. 
Please click on the Sway below to see the articles. 
Governor Voice!
Wow! Spring term 1 was jam packed with fantastic learning opportunities, embraced by very eager learners. With school returning back to more normality, it meant that governors have been abl…
Go to this Sway