PE Premium


The Sports Premium Grant is funding that comes into schools that is ring-fenced to be spent on the development of sports provision for all pupils.

Schools are free to spend the Sports Premium Grant as they see fit, but will be held accountable for its usage. From April 2014, the school has been required to publicise information about its use of Sports Premium Grant.

At Stathern, we allocate the Sports Premium Grant based upon the development needs identified in the school’s self-evaluation. As we teach with a personalised approach, reporting in detail would compromise an individual’s privacy. It is important however that we share how the Sport’s Premium is going to be used for the children and the impact it will have on raising standards both in the delivery of sport and attainment across the school.


Last year, Stathern School received £16,900 in PE/Sport premium.

History of the Sports Premium at Stathern! 
In 2019/20 the school received £ £16,795. Please see the file below which details our impact for 2019/20.
In 2018/19 the school received £18,200. Please see the attached file above which details our plan for 2018/19.

In 2017/18 the school received £16820. Please see the attached file above which details our plan for 2017/18.

Our spending plan for the year 2016/17 was primarily targeted towards providing new opportunities for teachers and pupils to broaden their PE skills and experiences, thus offering a wider range of sports and pathways. Specialist coaching focused on up-skilling teachers in any areas where confidence was lacking or a sport was new to them,  as we continued to raise their confidence in being able to deliver high quality PE. We also looked to develop our young people as coaches and leaders through intra school sport growth. Stathern Primary school received £8,339 of Sports premium funding for the financial year 2016/17. The money was spent on the following:


  • Further specialist gymnastics coaching alongside staff - 4 sessions a week for 14 weeks, to build upon the work undertaken last year.

  • Specialist PE teacher Mr Atkins upskilling staff across the school for 2 afternoons a week - through planning, joint teaching, observing in identified 'weaker' or new sport areas.

  • Staff CPD and training on new sports - including Tri Golf, Dodgeball, Volleyball, Ultimate Frisby, Table-tennis to increase the range of new sports for the children.

  • Increased intra-school and inter-school competition with a specific emphasis on our students as coaches, leaders and officials.
  • Contribute to the hire of sports facilities at the War Memorial Institute Hall to make up for lack of space on the school site itself for PE provision, 2-4 sessions per week (seasonal)
  • Subsidise some of the hire of transport to allow pupils to access inter-school sports, including coaches for Cyclo-cross and Cross-Country


The impact of this spending was:

  • Staff upskilled in sports across the curriculum to improve provision for years to come
  • A broader range of after school clubs for pupils to access beyond lessons to encourage pupils into sport and then signpost to clubs (increased participation)
  • Children able to access PE in all weathers and take part in Gym and Dance sessions despite lack of school hall
  • Increased fitness to contribute to healthy lifestyles in school and the community
  • Increased pupil leadership skills
  • Improved agility, flexibility, co-ordination and balance
  • Continued success in competitive sport at all levels

Our spending plan for the year 2015/16 was primarily targeted towards providing specialist coaching to offer high quality experiences for the pupils and to up-skill teachers to raise their confidence in being able to deliver high quality PE. Stathern Primary school received £8,339 of Sports premium funding for the financial year 2015/16. The money will be spent on the following:

  • Specialist gymnastics coaching to upskill staff - 4 sessions a week for 14 weeks - the impact included increased balance, co-ordination and agility. It also increased awareness of gymnastics and pathways into the sport.

  • Specialist PE teacher Mr Atkins upskilling staff across the school for 2 afternoons a week - the impact included higher standards of teaching and learning

  • Staff CPD and training - including Gym, Netball, OAA - the impact included higher standards of teaching and learning across a wider range of sports

  • Introduction of extra after-school clubs, introducing children to new sports, including Girls Football, Tag Rugby - the impact included an increase in participation cross the school and success of A and B teams

  • Coaching from outside agencies such as Active Melton - the impact was increased opportunity for our younger children

  • Professional sports coaching for each child to raise standards in PE not currently covered by in-house staff - the impact included a wider range of opportunities for pupils
  • Contribute to the hire of sports facilities at the War Memorial Institute Hall to make up for lack of space on the school site itself for PE provision, 4 sessions per week -  the impact was that our children didn't suffer any loss of provision through a lack of a hall
  • Subsidise some of the hire of transport to allow pupils to access inter-school sports, including coaches for Cyclo-cross and Cross-Country - the impact was the children having access to a range of competitions despite the remote, rural location.
  • Provide a weekly morning sports club for pupils followed by a community keep fit session and three holiday clubs for pupils across the primary phase - the impact was increased fitness in the community and children ready to learn from morning activity.



The estimate Sports Premium Grant funding for 2014/2015 was £8,280. This together with £2,385 raised through the Stathern Duathlon and £9,960 Lottery Sports Award for All Grant, make up a total of £20,665 to be spent on PE and sport development. The money was spent on the following:

  • Specialist PE teacher Mr Atkins upskilling staff across the school for 2 afternoons a week
  • Staff CPD and training
  • Introduction of extra after-school clubs, introducing children to new sports
  • Coaching from outside agencies such as Active Melton
  • Professional sports coaching for each child to raise standards in PE not currently covered by in-house staff, including additional money to contribute towards covering staff to work alongside the coaches.
  • Provide additional sports as an extra-curricular club.
  • Contribute to the hire of sports facilities at the War Memorial Institute Hall to make up for lack of space on the school site itself for PE provision.
  • Subsidise some of the hire of transport to allow pupils to access inter-school sports.
  • Provide a weekly morning sports club for pupils followed by a community keep fit session and three holiday clubs for pupils across the primary phase.

The impact of this spending was:

  • Staff upskilled in sports across the curriculum to improve provision for years to come
  • A broader range of after school clubs for pupils to access beyond lessons to encourage pupils into sport and then signpost to clubs
  • Children able to access PE in all weathers and take part in Gym and Dance sessions despite lack of school hall
  • Increased fitness to contribute to healthy lifestyles in school and the community
Stathern Primary School received £5,060 Sports Premium Grant funding for the financial year 2013/14. This money was used to help provide continuing quality sports provision for all children alongside additional funding from the money raised from the Stathern Duathlon.

Our Sports Premium Grant

In 2022/23 the school was given £16,830. 

Please see the document above which evaluates the IMPACT of the spending and the fabulous enrichment activities that we provide!