Our school has a fascinating history that dates back to April 1868, although the date in the stone above the very old school porch reads 1845.
The school was referred to as 'Stathern Board School' in the earlier days.
Excerpts from the School Log
The following excerpts are from our School Log Records, which have been recorded by the headteacher and staff at the school for nearly 140 years!
April 6th
Admitted 35 children into the school. Appointed two monitors, Hannah Greensmith and Elizabeth Alice Clarke. Examined children in reading and arithmetic.
April 7th
Gave a Scripture lesson to the children. Admitted 9 new ones.
April 8th
A very wet day but 42 children in attendance.
April 10th
Good Friday. No lessons, but children all attended in church.
April 13th
Admitted several new children. 56 on the register. Gave the older children a lesson on Notation.
April 20th
Admitted several new children. 64 on the books.
April 24th
Mrs Taylor took the 3rd class for reading and number. Gave 1st class a lesson on nouns.
May 6th
Kept several children in to do their sums. Miss Lock took a class in the afternoon. H Barker had the cane for disobedience.
Report of HMI 1871
Summary of the Inspectors Report on the school and the remarks made:
With more experience the present mistress seems likely to make a good school if properly supported by the parents of the children, of whom many are ill mannered. The ventilation and lighting are very insufficient. The application of the dry earth system to the offices would be an advantage.
My Lords wish that the ventilation and lighting of the school will receive the attention of the managers during the current year and meet with a better report from HM Inspectors at his next visit.
June 5th
Mr W Shipman came this afternoon with reference to water supply to school.
Sept 2nd
During the holiday a pipe and tap for water supply has been added.
Sept 16th
The lighting has been much improved. The yard is in a somewhat rough state. If a part of it were asphalted, both play and drill might be taken under better conditions. Moveable partitions or screens to separate the classes in the main room would add much to the comfort of working, and would lead to better attention and greater concentration on the part of the children.
Oct 27th
Telephone installed 'Harby 316'
Nov 9th
Stray dog tore coat to pieces in the cloakroom. Phoned police to remove it and obtained owner's name from Hose.
May 29th 1868
The boys began to make some bags for the Sunday lads.
June 3rd 1868
Gave the 1st class a lesson on the discovery of America.
June 25th 1868
Girls had lessons in the afternoon instead of needlework.
July 14th 1868
Commenced a recapitulation of Scripture history.
Sept 11th 1868
The fist class girls began to learn to make buttonholes.
Mar 17th 1869
Rev Beechy visited school and saw the children march.
June 3rd 1869
Taught the 1st class how to make out bills.
Feb 2nd 1872
The girls have been making flannel petticoats to be given away in the village.
June 21st 1872
Gave a lesson on the sheep to the Infants.
May 6th 1868
Kept several children in to do their sums. HB had the cane for disobedience.
Jan 19th 1869
Kept the whole school in for half an hour, in order to find a penny, which had been lost.
Jan 20th 1869
Punished WW for playing truant.
Mar 10th 1869
Sent RM home for impertinence.
April 7th 1869
The 1st and 2nd classes kept in to pass and repass their slates and pencils for doing it noisily.
May 10th 1870
Punished JB for making his book dirty.
Oct 27th 1870
Sent two pupils away from school for being very dirty.
Nov 23rd 1870
Sent HH home in the afternoon for violent screaming.
Dec 5th 1877
Complaint was made this day that the Pupil Teacher struck with a piece of iron one of the children on the head and caused blood to flow. The pupil teacher was reprimanded and warned that he must be more careful in the future.
Mar 13th 1903
Have had to send DB home three times this week to wash his hands.
July 7th 1904
Punished JH for making use of improper words. His mother came and abused me.
Popular Names
1868: Harry, Betsey, Mary, Frederick, George, Sarah, Emma, Elizabeth, Rachel, Frank, Thomas, Fred, John, Ada, Edward, Robert, William, Peter, Hannah, Annie, Willie, Matthew, Joseph, Alwyn, Richard, James, Harriet, Letitia.
1874/5: Mary Ann, Hedley, Arthur, Martha, Lucy, Emily, Alfred, Bridget, Florence, Emma, Charlotte, Blanche, Mo, Eliza, Edgar, Enoch, Louisa, Walter.
January 19th 1870
Not a very full school, many absent having whooping cough.
July 21st 1871
The Barks children have been away sick of the mumps which disease seems to be pacing through the school.
February 23rd 1872
The attendance has not been so good this week owing to so many of the children having the blister pox.
October 22nd 1875
Attendance this week lower on account of the scarlet fever raging in the village.
January 18th 1878
About 20 children are absent this week through severe colds and some are under the doctor's hands for bronchitis, while one or two are at death's door.
Two scholars have died during time school was closed, May Farthing and S E Alderman.
May Farthing was the most regular scholar of the school and was at school on Wednesday morning October 11th, died on Saturday 14th October. Her face is very much missed as she was always at school and would not stay away.
Historical Events
June 18th 1897
Closed school till next Wednesday on account of the 'Diamond Jubilee'
June 24th 1897
Only 104 present this morning. This afternoon the attendance is exceedingly poor (77) on account of Consecration of part of Burial Ground by Bishop of Peterborough.
July 18th 1899
Very many children away owing to the Duchess of Rutland's funeral at Belvoir.
June 2nd 1902
Playtime for children extended today in honour of news of Peace being claimed in South Africa.
June 24th 1902
School closed this afternoon for remainder of the week as 'Coronation ' holiday.
June 16th 1911
The school closes this afternoon for next week, it being Coronation Week.
June 20th 1918
Left school early this afternoon to attend inquest on Lt J Erskine, who was killed last night by his aeroplane falling.
Feb 28th 1922
School closed today in honour of the wedding of Princess Mary.
April 26th 1923
School closed all day in honour of the Duke of York's wedding.
11th September 1939
The school opened today instead of on Sept 5th as originally planned owing to the war.
As a number of children from Wybourn School in Sheffield were evacuated to Stathern last week, they were admitted to this school today.
14th June 1940
Miss German (Inspector) and Miss Preston (Head) called this afternoon to ask about children who may be evacuated from Nottingham.
9th July 1940
Mr Brockington called this morning to see about a suitable place for the children in case of an air raid.
12 August 1940
The children were taken into the village at 3pm to see the War Savings Travelling Cinema.
14th May 1941
This afternoon about 2.40pm a message was sent in that a German aeroplane was machine gunning in the vicinity. The children were taken to the 'strong point' and spent the time repeating tables, singing, and gas mask drill. The children nearest school were sent home in groups at 3.15 and the 'All clear' sounded before the long distance children went at 3.30pm
2nd April 1942
The school should break up this afternoon for Easter, but as the children have done well with their War Savings during the year, they have been given a half holiday and will break up at dinner time.
17th November 1944
PC Blundy came to tell the children that there are 6 hand grenades lost in the planting.
10th May 1945
The school was closed on 8th and 9th May because of 'Victory in Europe'
19th November 1947
The school will be closed tomorrow for the Wedding of Princess Elizabeth and Lieut Philip Mountbatten.
27th October 1966
This afternoon we held a short memorial service in school for the Aberfan disaster victims.
School Photographs 'Over the Years'
Here we have some photographs from the old days of Stathern School. Can you see yourself or your grandparents/great grandparents etc?
The top four photographs are courtesy of Karen Swain, whose father appears in the pictures.
The other photographs don't have the date and if you can identify the year we would be grateful if you could let us know any information by sending it to our office email.