High quality education in phonics teaches children to hear, say and recognise all of our 26 letters and 44 sounds in the English language.
‘High quality Phonics education will teach children to speak fluently, read and write fluently so they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others.’
National Curriculum 2014
Here at Stathern we have introduced the Twinkl phonics programme and we follow their wonderful presentations, use their beautiful resources and engage with all of the interactive games and activities. The programme allows to create consistency across the school, using all of the same; flash cards, actions, songs and characters in our interactive stories. This year we have added books to our resources that allow us to build upon the learning within our phonics sessions, cementing our learning and taking phonics home.
We teach phonics every day in the EYFS and KS1 in carefully streamed groups to ensure all children receive phonics at the correct level and pace to ensure all children progress and can succeed. Within KS2 we offer bespoke interventions to ensure all children have the correct level of phonics and are able to succeed.
We love learning each day about the adventures of Kit and Sam in our stories and completing tasks that fit perfectly to each session we have completed within our phonics lessons. Twinkl phonics has been a wonderful change to our phonics, the children love it.
Mrs Hatherley and Mrs Bailey
Phonics Subject Lead