

At Stathern Primary School we expect all pupils to attend school every day – the more pupils attend the more they can learn.  Good attendance has a direct impact on achievement.  We expect pupils to arrive on time, every day and to strive for 100% attendance. This can only happen with your support!

Using the DfE Guidance, Working together to improve school attendance, September 2022, we have developed our policy to ensure that communication about the expectations of parents, schools, governing bodies and the local authority is shared and understood.  We aim to promote, amongst parents and children, a high level of awareness and the need for regular and prompt attendance.

The school is required by law to record lateness and authorised absence separately from unauthorised absence and all of these areas will be monitored and supported to ensure the best attendance possible for all children.

Reporting absence

Parents are requested to notify the school, no later than 9:30 am, that their child will be absent. This can be done via email to the school office, telephone call / message on the answerphone, message left on Dojo, or in person to the school office, if dropping off a sibling.

Medical Appointments

We understand that on occasions, non-routine medical appointments, particularly hospital appointments, may have to be attended during school time. Where possible, appointments should be made at times that limit disruption to your child’s education.

Holidays During Term Time

The law states that holidays during term time can only be authorised by the Head Teacher under exceptional circumstances; proof of which will need to be obtained prior to authorisation.  The school will consider each case individually but, where the amount of holiday time requested is in excess of 5 days over the course of the year, and the circumstances are not exceptional, then the Local Authority Attendance Team will be contacted for support and advice.

The above information is just part of our attendance policy.  For full details of our policy and the guidance that we are following please click on the links below.